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Exporting from the UK to Paraguay: A market guide


A South American country with a population of over 7 million people, Paraguay has an abundance of natural resources and renewable energy. It is landlocked and bordered by Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. It has a growing import market and UK companies looking to export to Paraguay may benefit from the increase in demand for UK goods and services.

Trade statistics

£46.0 million total UK exports to Paraguay for the four quarters to the end of Q4 2023

(Source: ONS UK total trade: all countries, seasonally adjusted
Last updated: April 2024)

158th largest UK export market

(Source: ONS UK total trade: all countries, seasonally adjusted
Last updated: April 2024)

less than 0.1% of total UK exports for the four quarters to the end of Q4 2023

(Source: ONS UK total trade: all countries, seasonally adjusted
Last updated: April 2024)

UK government support

UK Export Finance (UKEF) has a £3 to £4 billion export credit facility to help UK businesses export to Paraguay. If you are a UK exporter looking for financial support to bring your products or services to Paraguay, this is a good opportunity.

Top five UK goods exported to Paraguay , in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2023

Goods Value (£ million )
Cars 6.8
Plastics in non-primary forms 1.3
Specialised machinery (capital) 1.3
Scientific instruments (capital) 1.1
Other manufactures (consumer) 0.5

Source: ONS Trade in goods: country-by-commodity exports
Last updated: February 2024
Download the latest trade and investment factsheet for Paraguay.

Paraguay: at a glance

Economic growth


Actual figure (IMF, 2022)
The UK is 4.1% (IMF, 2022, actual figure)

GDP per capita


Actual figure (IMF, 2022)
The UK is $45,461 (IMF, 2022, projected figure)


Paraguayan guarani

Business language


You may need a translator

Time zone

GMT -4

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Opportunities for exporters

There are opportunities for UK companies across a broad range of industries. Our trade advisers in Paraguay have identified opportunities for UK businesses in the following sectors:

Check for trade barriers

Trade barriers, such as tariffs or taxes, can raise costs, cause delays, or even stop you from exporting. Check for any issues that may impact your business when exporting.

See current trade barriers

See resolved trade barriers

Check duties and customs

Find information on how to export goods from the UK. View the duties, rules, restrictions, and the documents you need for your products.

See current duties and customs procedures

Doing business in Paraguay

Preparing to export


Paraguay has a Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of 10%. VAT credit refund schemes and exemptions are also available.

Import duties

Import duties in Paraguay range from 0% to 38% depending on the tariff level applied. Most products imported from the UK fall into the 10% tax category. We advise you to contact a customs clearance agency to assist you with the process.


To act as an importer your company, as a first step, must be registered to the Paraguayan Customs Authority. Paraguayan customs work alongside government agencies that control the entry of merchandise into the country, according to the category. These institutions regulate permits, authorisation and certifications for imports.

For more information regarding importation and exportation regulations, as well as customs codes and tariffs, please refer to the Paraguayan Customs Authority website.

Trade barriers

Check for any reported barriers to trading with Paraguay.

Report any trade barriers that are affecting your business so we can help fix them.

Operating in Paraguay

Intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) rights are territorial and rights granted in the UK do not provide protection elsewhere. You should consider getting IP protection abroad if you want to trade overseas or sell to overseas customers via the internet.

The Intellectual Property Office provides practical information to help you protect, manage and enforce your IP abroad. Further support for British businesses can be found through a network of IP attachés, based in key UK export markets.


Corruption, bribery and bureaucracy in public entities are among the challenges when doing business in Paraguay. For more information on how the Paraguayan government can protect you from this, please refer to the Anti-Corruption Secretariat website.

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