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Top tips on how to become a global marketing whizz

Ready to make your international marketing easier and more effective? Want to stop wasting money on marketing that doesn't work? Award-winning marketer Sunny Dublick will cover how to transform your international marketing strategy to yield real results.

What you’ll learn

  • gain inspiration into more creative and robust marketing strategies- outside of the same old ads, emails and socials
  • develop a workable framework for strategic marketing success
  • understand today's current customer experience and why it's so frustrating


When it comes to your marketing, do you ever feel like you've got it all wrong? Like you constantly have to jump from one trend to the next in hopes of getting likes, clicks, sales? Does it all feel exhausting? It shouldn't.

In this session, you will be guided through the current customer journey: getting an in-depth look into why it's become so challenging, and gaining valuable insights into what customers are really looking for.

You will also get an insider's perspective into the future of the industry, and learn how to navigate all of the changes brought on by AI and automation with ease.

Finally, you will receive a proven marketing framework for success and walk through a real-life application of it to see how it can revolutionise your current strategy.


Sunny Dublick

Owner, Sunny Dublick Marketing

Sunny Dublick is an award-winning marketing specialist and founder of Sunny Dublick Marketing. Originally from New Jersey, Sunny has spent over 15 years in the marketing and advertising industry, working with high profile clients such as the Philadelphia 76ers and HanesBrands, as well as small and medium-sized businesses spanning the hospitality, retail and professional services industries.

Sunny has worked with Fortune 500 companies and startups alike, spoken at a panel at the Marketing 2.0 conference on the path from traditional to digital marketing, and at DigiMarCon's 2024 conference on strategic marketing methods in the wake of an AI landscape.

Sunny's marketing strategies are designed to inspire creativity and divergence in the way marketing is approached, to enable businesses to truly grow the best, most authentic version of their brand. While Sunny's 9-5 passion lies in helping brands find marketing success, she is also an avid painter, taco fanatic, beach bum and book nerd.

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