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How to sell your services overseas (Part 1 of 2)

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An opportunity to focus on issues affecting the export of services.

What you’ll learn

  • the challenges of selling services internationally
  • the different ways to export your services
  • common issues such as VAT and withholding tax


Exporting services raises some different issues to exporting goods, which will be explored in this two-part webinar series.

We’ll begin by outlining the key challenges of dealing with an intangible product, such as agreeing the scope of activities with your clients, navigating cultural differences and maintaining relationships across the distance. We’ll consider some practical issues, such as defining where the service has taken place and which regulatory frameworks apply.

We’ll go on to highlight some areas for you to consider, such as VAT, withholding tax and recognition of qualifications.


Robin Hill

UK Export Academy Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Robin is a versatile professional with experience spanning various business sectors, including blue-chip companies and dynamic startups. His journey includes roles at Burton Group, General Electric, and BUPA. Notably, he has ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing startups in Broking and the wholesale Wine Trade. His diverse background reflects a blend of corporate expertise and entrepreneurial spirit.

Watch a past event recording

How to sell your services overseas (Part 1 of 2)

Event recording

Recorded: 2 November 2023 • 1 hour

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