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Don't get canned: navigate international food and drink legislation with confidence

We will cover the essential legal considerations and guidance that food and drink companies should be aware of when navigating new global markets.

What you’ll learn

  • understand the procedures for registering IP in key international markets and the importance of protecting IP globally
  • understand appropriate dispute resolution methods for various types of international trade conflicts
  • understand product liability laws in major export markets


There are a number of elements that food and drink companies need to consider to sell successfully overseas, one of which is legislation.

We know that legislation can be a huge topic, so we are here to give you the essential know-how to ensure you can protect your interests and manage risks associated with trading in global markets.

In this session, we'll cover key topics such as:

  • why intellectual property protections are so important
  • how to manage dispute resolutions
  • how to navigate product liability

We'll be delving into specifics legislative guidance related to patents, trademarks and copyrights and how you may develop strategies to protect your intellectual property rights overseas. We'll also provide guidance on how to draft contracts appropriately, to minimise legal uncertainties.


Garima Srivastava

Senior Trade & Customs Specialist, The Institute of Export & International Trade

Garima Srivastava is a senior trade & customs specialist at the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade academy. She is an accomplished international trade and customs lawyer with extensive experience in customs law advisory.

With an undergraduate law degree from India, Srivastava began her career at leading firm Lakshmikumaran & Attorneys, where she provided expert advice on customs compliance, import regulations, customs classification, valuation, rules of origin, foreign trade policy, free trade zones, warehousing and licensing.

After gaining valuable experience in India, she pursued an masters degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in the US. Following her studies, Garima joined Ernst & Young’s global trade advisory team in New York, where she continued to focus on customs compliance projects and customs health checks.

Garima has extensive experience advising clients across a diverse range of industries, including the life sciences, electronics, automotive and food and beverage sectors.

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